Food & Event Services
Forbes Hall Food & Event Services Committee manages the Soup’s On program, food services supporting Community Events, special meals and initiatives. Volunteers are provided with FoodSafe 1 Training on an ongoing basis, with several members having FoodSafe Level 2.
In addition to the above, the committee oversees sanitization, cleanliness and equipment maintenance, providing the team of volunteers what is needed to provide good quality, safe food for our community.
The Beverage Station is stocked with the basics for the community to make coffee and teas, with miscellaneous cold beverages and snacks available. These are provided by donation, when able.
In addition to Food Services, this committee is integral in the development of Special Events held by the Thetis Island Community Association at Forbes Hall Community Centre.
There are members of our team who are very capable of providing catering services.
Please contact for a list of contacts.
Food Service Protocols Link
See Main Kitchen Rental information here. This is in addition to the standard rental details, here.
Rentals require a full orientation before use.
The use of the Beverage Station is included with all rentals.
Beverage Station and Main Kitchen Protocols here.
The Forbes Hall Food and Events Services Committee oversees the Main Kitchen and the Beverage Station.
For more information please contact: